Samuel's Story

I had a routine doctor's appointment the day before Thanksgiving. Everything was normal, just as it had been for my entire pregnancy. The next few days I noticed that he was moving less and less. I decided to call the doctor on Saturday. She told me to come to the hospital so they could hook me up to the monitor.

When I got to the hospital, they took me up to Labor and Delivery right away. The nurse hooked me up to the monitor. She could not find a heartbeat. I was in shock. I thought to myself that there was just something wrong with the machine. I looked over at Lamar and he was crying. I had never seen him cry before. This is when I realized that something was wrong with Sammy.

The doctor came into the room to do an ultrasound-still no heartbeat. Someone came and did another ultrasound-still no heartbeat. It was explained to me that I would have to be induced as soon as possible, there was nothing else they could do. I was 36 weeks.  Everyone left the room to give Lamar and me some time alone. I just kept thinking to myself this is so cruel. I just found out my baby is gone and now they expect me to go through labor.

We both called our parents. My parents live about five hours away. They left for the hospital immediately after I called. I was induced around 1:00pm on Saturday, November 28, 2009. The rest of that day is a blur to me. My doctor did not want me to feel any pain so they gave me an epidural early on. They had also given me pain medicine through my IV which knocked me out. I drifted in and out of sleep. All I remember is my mom, dad, sister, mother in law and sister in law sitting in the room with Lamar and me. TLC's What Not To Wear was on the TV all night.

I remember the doctor breaking my water at some point. I then remember her telling me I was fully dialated and it was time to start pushing. Lamar and I cried the entire time I was pushing. I kept praying that they had made a mistake and he would come out crying, but this did not happen. Samuel Allen Felix was born at 4:08am on Sunday, November 29, 2009. He was exactly 7lbs 21inches. It turned out the umbilical cord was tightly wrapped around his neck and leg.

The nurses took him out of the room and cleaned him so that we could hold him. When they brought him back he was dressed in a yellow outfit and wrapped in a blue blanket with ducks on it. He looked so peaceful, just like he was sleeping. I held him in my arms and cried for the baby I had wanted so badly. The nurse took pictures of the three of us together. I also asked her to take a picture of Lamar holding him.

My sister in law brought the first outfit I had brought for him. It was a light blue fleece jumper with footballs. She also brought a stuffed football that Lamar bought for him. We always thought he would play football one day just like his Daddy. The nurses dressed him in this outfit and took more pictures for us. They also cut a lock of his hair and took footprints for us to keep. My favorite present from them is a molding of his feet. You can even see the wrinkles on the bottom.

We spent more time with Sammy. Then the funeral home came to prepare him for the funeral. He was buried in his special outfit with his football. We also included pictures of his room and us on our wedding day. I love Sammy very much and my heart aches for him each day. I will never forget my little angel. I created this page to keep his memory alive.